Dear Parker,
You are 13 months. You weighed 20 pounds at your 12 month checkup and were 31 inches tall. The doctor said you were tall and skinny, just like Daddy! You are right on track for your weight and you are way above on your height. You still wear size 4 diapers and are wearing 12 months clothes.
At 13 months, you are so much fun. You absolutely LOVE outside ("dout-dide"). When we ask you if you want to go outside, you say, "doutdide" and head to the nearest door and look up at the doorknob. Once outside your favorite thing to do is walk around the yard and pick up leaves, sticks, acorns, berries, and anything else you can hold in those tiny little hands of yours. It's amazing how much stuff you can hold on to. You enjoy taking nightly strolls in your wagon with Papa. Papa is still your favorite person. When you see anyone, and I do mean ANYONE (a picture of a farmer in a book, an African American man in the grocery store, your Fisher Price farmer figurine, your daddy, etc.) wearing a hat you call them Papa. Today you found your hat in the living room and put it on your head and said, "Papa!". Papa recently took you to the golf course and showed you how to hit balls. When we ask you if you want to play golf, you clap your hands together and lean against our legs. You also love to run and kick your ball across the yard.
You have just recently started really playing with your truck. It is the cutest thing!!! You push it around on the floor and make truck noises. You also like to watch it roll down the slide. You think that is the funniest thing!
You've also recently become obsessed with Elmo. Whenever you see him on something, you say, "melmo" and start singing, "La~La~La~La". You also love Bob the Tomato from Veggie Tales. Your favorite Veggie Tales video is Rack, Shack, and Benny.
You also started some new foods this month! Chicken nuggets, chicken pot pies, and grilled cheese sandwiches are all of your new favorite foods. You are still a champ at eating and you LOVE milk.