Saturday, September 12, 2009

One Week Old

Parker is ONE week old today! I can't believe it! His first week has been incredible. He is doing a great job eating and is already on a great schedule. He wakes up every 4 hours to eat at night, so Mommy and Daddy are getting some sleep.

We have enjoyed our first week together with our little man. He already loves reading books and bouncing in his bouncy seat.

He is working on mastering thumb sucking. Once he gets it in his mouth he goes to town.

Parker loves to cuddle up with Mommy and Daddy!

Parker's first outing was to Uncle Phillip and Aunt Jody's house. We ventured out to eat supper with them and watch the Clemson/GA Tech game. Parker was dressed in his orange and cheered on the Tigers!

Parker also had his first playdate this week. His friend Nolan who is 6 weeks old came over to play. Nolan slept in the bouncy seat and Parker screamed! Every time Nolan was asleep Parker was awake. When Parker was awake Nolan would sleep. Before long these two will be playing and having loads of fun together.

Parker also had his first bath at home this week. He loves to take a bath!

Dr. Ryan came over to give Parker his first adjustment. Parker laid on Daddy's chest while Dr. Ryan adjusted him. He thought he was just beautiful and said he was a very healthy baby boy.

We are so fortunate to have such an awesome family who has taken such good care of us this week! Thank you to everyone who has come to clean, bring us a meal, or just sit with Parker so Mommy and Daddy can nap!

God has blessed us with such a calm and loving baby boy. We consider ourselves so blessed!!


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